Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mrs. Pellin's Post
May 11th to May 15th

This week the first graders will read books about baby animals. We will talk about the baby chicks that are hatching in their classrooms and write about them. We will describe the stages of a baby chick's birth and what they are like when they are newly hatched.

The second grade students will read a book about a family camping trip. They will retell the story out loud and then write about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Both groups will continue to work on their "Word Wall" words and spelling words. They will write sentences using these words.

Center Cass School District # 66 is in the process of implementing an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) mandate, Response of Intervention (RTI). RTI is an array of procedures that can be used to determine if and how students respond to specific changes in instruction. RTI provides an improved process and instruction for school teams in designing, implementing, and educational interventions.

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