Friday, November 7, 2008

Mrs. Pellin's Post
November 10th to
November 14th

This week my first grade students will learn about the consonant sounds "J" and "Z". We will be reciting a poem about jackets, zippers, and zoo's. The vowel we will work on is u and umbrellas. The poem is:

Jackets have zippers,

Jungles have trees,

Zoos have zebras,

Zookeepers have knees!

The second grade students will continue to work on guided reading and write summaries in their journals about the stories we are reading. We will also write about the things for which we are thankful.
As I continue to progress monitor for the RTI program, I am happy to see how much progress is being made by our students.

Center Cass School District # 66 is in the process of implementing an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) mandate, Response of Intervention (RTI). RTI is an array of procedures that can be used to determine if and how students respond to specific changes in instruction. RTI provides an improved process and instruction for school teams in designing, implementing, and educational interventions.

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